Thursday, October 22, 2009

Me Going Digital

So I decided that I couldn't fight the digital world anymore. I'm completely and totally against Facebook for reasons I don't even know. However, I really like blogs and blogstalking. Therefore I think that it's only fair since I've been stalking others that I should allow them to stalk me. This is not to say that I'm stalk-worthy, because I am not.

Another thing that I need to disclaim is my title. By putting "I want Kandie" I'm not saying that I'm desireable. What I'm really saying is that, I want Candy, because I always do. My sister was very inspired when she accidently gave me a nickname. However, I have had this nickname since I was a baby, and when I was a baby I didn't like candy. So maybe I like candy so much because of my name; maybe instead of being inspired she cursed me with a sweettooth...I don't know. I guess I will always wonder.

Anyway, I'm excited to become a blogger and I hope that by having my own blog that maybe I can make my life appear more exciting than it is. That way, I can be disillusioned and whenever I'm feeling blue my digital life can always give me a pick me up.

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