Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Emme-My Fearless Niece!

My family never ceases to amaze me. This posting will consist of bragging rights and nothing else. I choose today to brag about my niece Emme.

Emme is only two but lives in a ten year old body. Her progression rate is much faster than mine and in a few years she will exceed me in my maturity level. It's a hard fact but it's better for me to realize this earlier than later. This past Sunday my little niece, mind you she's two, bore her testimony by herself...BY HERSELF! Isn't that nuts, most two year olds can barely talk, let alone confidently bear their testimony in front of the whole ward. Emme has been wanting to bear her testimony for a while and my sister and brother in-law have been helping her to prepare. Actually at one of our Sunday dinners we all had to bear our testimony at our own home-made podium (which consisted of my exercising step and a whisk, it was quite classy). We all ended up bearing our testimonies once but Emme bore her testimony about five times. It's a shame that we can't all be cool like two year olds. So with all of this preparation my little niece was ready to bear her testimony. I didn't get the chance to witness it, but Emme did however call me Sunday afterwards and said, "I boerewr my testmsdfdy."...huh?...I had to have her repeat herself several times before I understood. She was just so excited to share her news. I took this to be pretty exciting. Especially because I flashed back to the time when I first bore my testimony in front of the ward. I wish I could say that I had this great desire when I first did it, but sadly that wasn't the case. The reason I bore my testimony for the first time was because of a bribe, sad I know, but it's the truth. My Primary teacher promised us all this "Amazing" gift if we did it, and I wasn't going to miss out on something amazing, especially if it had good odds to come in the form of sugar (F.Y.I-I'm thoroughly convinced that the only reason why I did well in Elementary school is because my teachers were skilled bribers. That's just a little insight to how simple minded I am.) Anyway, I wasn't two, or three, or four, but probably around 9. Then the most tragic part of the whole story is that we never got our surprise. My little heart was crushed and I never wanted to bear my testimony again...Okay that's not necessarily true. I guess the thing that I can learn from that experience is that if I ever want to do something that is hard for myself all I need to do is bribe myself...there is definitely always something to be learned.

I however, just went from bragging about Emme to talking about my childhood, and that wasn't the purpose of this post. Even though I know everyone who reads this will feel sorry that I never got my surprise...Don't feel too bad, because I'm okay...Anyway, that is all I have to write, and I hope to brag some more in the future. Not of myself because obviously that isn't possible, but more of my family whom (did I just use that right?-I hope so.) I'm kind of fond of.

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