Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Brace Yourself For This...

(This post has been on hold for a little bit but now it's making it's big debut...)

Being the die-hard BYU fan that I am, I am willing to put up with the football traffic and the unwavering lack of patience that all men have (which always seems to entertain me). Today I went through all of this and so much more. The "so much more" is what this posting will be all about.

Being the fan that I am I still went through all of this and yet didn't go to the game. Which is probably for the better. I got to eat ice cream with my adorable niece and nephew, while the rest of my family ate cougar tales while they became bald individuals (it was a hair pulling night for BYU).

While BYU was acting out their tradegy I was "razzeling" with my nephew and forcing everyone to take pictures so I can support my new blog addiction. Then all of a sudden out of the blue, my Mom starts yelling. This type of yelling was quite unusual for my Mom and it continued to get more hysterical. If she screamed any higher we would of had a herd of dogs at our front door. Anyway I know the suspense is killing you and here is my best attempt of the dialogue that took place...(this is where the "so much more" part comes in)

Mom: "Kandie go get me some toilet paper!"
Kandie: "Why is there a spider."
Mom: "Kandie don't just stand there get me some toilet paper!!!!!!"
Kandie: "Why?"
Kandie: "Oh goodness."
Mom: "KANDIE FASTER...HURRY UP!!!!!!..."

By the time I got back I saw what all the hullabaloo was all about...it was...are you ready for this...a dead mouse. This caused me to squirm to the furthest corner possible (mice and me don't get along one bit). However, if only that was the end of the story. I soon found out that not only was it a dead mouse but that my little niece (who is 2) had had that mouse in her boot all day and had been walking on it. Her tights that she had been wearing were covered in blood. Her boots had been kept in the garage and the litte feller had climbed in and made a warm home. I had soon texted my brother Derrek thinking that he would share the news with everyone at the game, however I was wrong in my thought. Therefore, I later got to see my sister Kelly's reaction when my Mom told her the story. I thought Kelly was going to either be sick or break out in tears, I couldn't tell. She had commented on the fact that she did have a hard time putting on her boot this morning...Yuck!...that's a pretty gross thought. Throughout all of this, however, my little niece was as firm as a rock. None of this phased her and she was happy as a fish swimming in the bathtub as we washed away her stain. Kaylen Burton is officially my new hero. Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer have nothing on my little niece.

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