Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Silly Me

So I'm a wuss...

My sister Chelsea told me that I need to change my music on my blog and I agreed. She puts it on for background music sometimes and with the same songs repeating over and over it had made for a long overdue, needed change. So I decided with Halloween coming up that I would do some fun Halloween songs. I found some goods ones and posted them. However, they lasted about a half-an-hour. I decided that they scared me. Hence me being a wuss. I had songs like the Monster Mash and Thriller; songs I normally like but for some reason I couldn't bare to put them on my blog and have it be my background noise. I don't know why I'm posting about this, but I felt like proclaiming my chicken heritage.

So that is that...Nothing exciting but just know not to lurk around corners if you are ever with me, because if silly songs scare me then who knows what else might.

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