Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Faith of Little Children

Recently I have had some sweet experiences with the faith that little children have and I want to share the cuteness of these kids...

Story #1
This first one happened while I was doing my student teaching. There was a particular girl in my class that has a really hard life (sadly yes and she's only seven) and she demanded a lot of attention and a lot isn't an exaggeration. However, those are the ones that always pull at your heart strings because the statement that says the more you give the more you get is 100% true. So one day during our writer's workshop she came up to me and asked for my helped to draw a picture of Jesus. She had saw the Christus at Temple Square and she had wanted to write about it. Of course, immediately I got onto the internet to and pulled up a picture of the Christus. It was so cute to see her try to draw in detail when in fact detail is a subjective word. This was such a sweet moment; mostly because all this little girl can write is chicken scratch. When she writes she says her words out loud while she scribbles silly marks on paper. Which if anyone doesn't know that isn't typical; most of my first graders were writing quite intelligently. I don't remember ever being that smart in first grade but I guess it's 2010.

Story #2
I have started to work at the Boys and Girls Club again and I really love it. The job doesn't come without attitude filled children but that makes it all the better. Sometimes I'm just refereeing and I'm actually a pretty poor one at that. However, one morning I had one of my kids bring in a Book of Mormon and it was pretty sweet to see the care that he gave to it. This kid is actually a first grader at Discovery as well and even though he wasn't in my class I still got to teach him at times. Anyway, this particular boy is very adorable and unique as well. He has the sweetest temperament but he has slurred speech and he's very quiet and it's difficult to always know what he's saying (and being a girl with a lisp myself helps me to have sympathy for him-cause I know it's not fun). He also has a hard life but just the sight of the boy makes you want to squeeze him because he oozes of cuteness. Anyway, he comes walking into the club and he was so proud to show me his Book of Mormon. I told him that I thought it was awesome but I also told him that he should probably put it into his backpack so that he wouldn't lose it. Every time I told him this however he would tell me " but I ont to ead it." Which translates to "I want to read it." Which he never really did and he isn't quite capable of reading it, which makes it all the cuter. He even had a kid tell him that the Book of Mormon is a stupid book and he got made fun of, however those comments seemed to just slide off his shoulder. On the flip side, another kid told him that they have one too but that their Book of Mormon was bigger. Overall, it was pretty precious to see how he just treasured the scriptures.

So those are my two stories that I want to share. I want to share them mostly because it was touching to see the hope that kids received because of their faith. Kids are amazing and I believe that we can learn a lot from them. Both of these particular children really do have it hard and I can't adequately describe them but they are stronger than they know and have set a wonderful example for me to follow.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Kandie, your blog filled with warm things that uplift my heart. I miss you!!!
PS, Too often you say bad things about yourself. BAD Kandie! Bad girl! You're awesome, dangit! And so funny!